The DeFiChain Foundation just announced two DFIPs (DeFi Improvement Proposals):
Proposal 1: Bitcoin Anchoring Rewards
Proposal 2: DeFiChain Liquidity Mining
Both DFIPs are designed to improve DeFiChain and stimulate long-term sustainable growth. But you can find out more about this in the articles of the DeFiChain Foundation itself linked above.
In this article we just want to focus on how Cake deals with the proposals — especially how the voting is handled.
Cake will not vote for people who do not tell us how they want to vote.
As a Cake user, you will easily be able to participate in the DFIP voting: When the time comes, you will receive an email with instructions asking you how you would like to vote — we will then forward your vote to the DeFiChain Foundation.
An important point to note is that if a user does not tell us how he or she wants to vote, we will not take sides and make our own decision, but simply not vote for that user.
Meaning that the voting is entirely in the hands of the Cake & DeFiChain communities.
So it’s your turn: It is extremely important that you look at Proposal 1 and Proposal 2 so that you can vote in the near future.
We also encourage everyone in the community to join the Cake Telegram group and discuss the upcoming vote! What are your questions, your fears, your feedback in general? Let us know!